- The NFL is better with Brett Favre in it.
- Despite a less-than-stellar summer (“Can’t Be Tamed” can’t be enjoyed), Miley Cyrus is awesome on DVD in The Last Song.
- Craigslist.com is a frightening website in certain places.
- And, I’m Aaron Goins. All my thoughts on these topics and so much more (including my favorite episodes of The Boondocks)… in The Highlight Reel!
**WWE and TNA have delivered three pay-per-view recently; two actually on PPV and one on free TV. While the wrestling world should be excited, the wrestling world is still as disappointed to apathetic as they have been for the last couple of years because both promotions are pushing the wrong things down fans’ throats and pushing fans closer to the exits as a result.
The 23rd annual SummerSlam occurred in Los Angeles, CA on August 15th with a six-match card that was promoted as if it was the second biggest card of the year. Six matches. Really, WWE, really? This card was missing the likes of The Miz, Christian, Matt Hardy, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Drew McIntyre, MVP, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, the Hart Dynasty, William Regal, Zack Ryder, and countless other in-ring talents yet had room for the 53-year old stroke survivor Bret Hart (in the main event nonetheless) and eight rookies who had never been in a free TV main event before (and were in the main event here). Add to this a return of the oft-injured Undertaker (why can’t you be a wrestling tragedy?), Melina botching her way to another Diva’s Championship, and WWE Championship and Intercontinental Championship matches ending in cheap DQ finishes. One of the biggest nights on the WWE calendar was a perfect example of what is wrong with the company: heinous booking prevailed while professional wrestling fans lose.
Still, TNA and their two events left me with little to no faith ultimately because of three simple letters: E, C, and W. TNA turned their Hard Justice (also the name of a porn) pay-per-view event into an ECW tribute show on August 8th called Hardcore Justice (again, the name of a porn. Seriously, TNA, who names your events?). If Hardcore Justice would have only been a one-time deal, it would have been great. But, much like when WWE had multiple One Night Stands and an eventual ECW resurrection, ECW appears to have returned once again after the aftermath of TNA’s second PPV-quality event: August 12th’s The Whole F’n Show (again, straight from Ron Jeremy’s IMDB). After a solid event where Kurt Angle defeated AJ Styles in a good match, the Motor City Machine Guns beat Beer Money in a Best Two out of Three Falls match to win their Best of Five Series (3-2) and made me proud to be a wrestling fan in the process, and Rob Van Dam successfully defended the TNA World title over Abyss in a solid weapon-filled match, TNA showed that the ECW stuff wasn’t leaving. As RVD celebrated with Tommy Dreamer and his other ECW alumni, Abyss and the Ric Flair-led faction Fortune attacked the ECW group in a bloodbath. This means that Fortune vs. ECW old-timers is now headlining TNA for months. That is just… disappointing.
It is no secret. I was not a fan of the original ECW. In fact, I enjoyed the first years of the WWE-funded version of ECW more than the original ECW because they pushed wrestlers as the top of the brand over drunks like The Sandman. I never drank Paul Heyman’s kool-aid and will never drink it. He is one of the most overrated names in all of wrestling history. And, dare I say it, ECW is one of the most overrated entities in all of wrestling history. Honestly, if ECW was as great as people say it was, then why did it only stay in business for seven years and never appeal to anyone outside of outcasts found in the minority of society or those who lived within 20 minutes of a bingo parlor in south Philadelphia? Extreme Championship Wrestling was not that great. Yet, this is the 3rd time since this company died that I am having to watch it celebrated by a promotion in an attempt to grab attention and dollars from those old ECW fans. Plain and simple, the majority of people did not care about ECW when it was around the first time and none of these previous resurrections have mattered enough to make a lasting impact. So, I can’t help but wonder why TNA would waste their time with this when they have the talent, the marquee names, and the ability to building their own name instead of leeching on a lifeless entity that never was that great to begin with.
E-C-W! E-C-W! That, and not the egos of Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, Jeff Jarrett or the ineptitude of owner Dixie Carter, will accelerate TNA’s trip to the grave.
**I hate that Chipper Jones’ 2010 season is over after a torn ACL. While there are rumors that this could have been the final season for the 38-year old, I hope that he is able to make it back for one final complete season. Chipper has been a rarity in this day and age of sports. He’s been great on the field, only a few scandals off the field, avoided the steroid allegations that have destroyed the game’s credibility, and remained loyal to one team in an era where everybody is looking to “take their talents to South Beach.” Hopefully he gets to go out on his own terms.
**So, Linda McMahon’s run for a Senate seat (i.e. Reason #872 why Vince McMahon is allowing his company to be run into the ground) gained a big victory last week when Linda McMahon won the GOP primary and officially earned her spot on the ballot for a Connecticut Senate seat in November. If a McMahon victory in November means that the McMahon name will be leaving the wrestling business, I hope voters put Linda in office and let her take Vince and Stephanie with her to Washington. They are ruining the wrestling business a little more every day but I know their ineptitude can’t be felt in Washington because everyone is a fool in that town.
**Brett Favre Watch 2010 has concluded and, shocking enough, the Gunslinger is BACK! WOO! GUNSLINGER!!!
Seriously, the NFL is better with the aging-but-youthful appearance of Brett Favre on the field. Plus, after having to live through the Summer of LeBron (which began in late 2008 and ended with the most ego-driven and sickening hour in television history), playing the “will he or won’t he” game with Brett Favre and retirement was a refreshing change. Favre says that this season will be his final season. Considering it is coming from Brett’s mouth directly and not from ESPN’s Ed Werder or Rachel Nichols from a campsite on Brett’s front lawn (I really wonder how many times he and Deanna invited Rachel in for a three-way), I tend to believe this more than the usual off-season claims that have been made regarding Favre’s retirement by the media. Everybody loves to crucify Brett for the drama but they fail to acknowledge that Favre doesn’t say 90% of the things reported by the media. As long as ignorance prevails with fan opinion (i.e. hatred), Favre will suffer on the cross of stories created by the media and not Favre himself. I’m glad to see that Brett is back and can’t wait for Minnesota-New Orleans on September 9th in the NFL season opener.
**On August 4th, New York Yankees’ slugger Alex Rodriguez hit career home run #600. Ten years ago, this would have been a big deal because the sporting world ignored all of the steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs that were inflating numbers to astronomical proportions in a game where numbers matter most. However, a decade of scandal has destroyed baseball’s credibility. So, I can safely say that I will never remember where I was when Alex Rodriguez hit his 600th.
**So, the state of California overturned Prop 8 a few weeks ago. Prop 8 is the controversial law that outlawed homosexual marriage. Now, I have no problem with homosexual marriage. Gays and lesbians should be allowed to get married and become as miserable and disgustingly filled with venom and hatred as every other married couple. The problems I have with this story are two-fold.
First, the state of California overturned a law that was put into affect when the majority of California citizens voted for the bill during an election in November 2009. Democracy essential centers on people’s votes counting towards the country they live in, correct? So, with California citizens voting for Prop 8, that means that the government didn’t do anything wrong or immoral. Yet, the minority pissed and moans until the Supreme Court in California overturned what the citizens voted in. This essential negated everything we have been taught about democracy. The majority doesn’t win if the minority can piss and moan loud enough. No wonder Hispanics run to America so quickly… minorities rule here.
Second, why is gay marriage such a big deal in the first place? Gay marriage should be on page 63 of the list of topics that need addressing in the United States; located in-between finding a way to end the career of Wayne Brady and improving High Point Road in Greensboro. It is priorities like this which have America becoming as much the world’s laughing stock as it is the world’s police.
**While the luster of winning American Idol has diminished greatly since the time of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, I am surprised the levels which a former champion has went in order to remain in the headlines. In the span of a week, Fantasia Barrino went from utter failure as a singer to public embarrassment for High Point, NC (and you’ve got to be a real joke to cause a city with no shame to feel embarrassed) and not much else (because she’s Fantasia and wasn’t that much to begin with). Either way, I’m talking about the revelation of Fantasia’s sex tape with a married man and the subsequent suicide attempt that had its aftermath filmed for a potential reality show. Seriously Fantasia, isn’t there a better way to cling onto the final seconds of fame than this?
**WWE Films is producing one of the most ironic films in cinematic history next month with Legendary. The film, starring Oscar nominee Patricia Clarkson, Danny Glover, and John Cena, centers on the story of John Cena’s character returning from prison after his father dies to teach his younger brother how to wrestle. Now, while John Cena is no Hulk Hogan or Ultimate Warrior in terms of limited move set, having John Cena teach anyone to wrestle is still causing viewers to suspend their belief on a level along the lines of Transformers, The Terminator, or Avatar. Ridiculous! The only thing legendary about this John Cena-centered, PG era, WWE failure is how legendary this box office bomb will be.
**The story of Lance Cade ended like too many in the wrestling business do on August 13th when Cade was found dead at his home in Texas. Cade died of heart failure at the age of 29. Cade was a tremendous young talent, winning World Tag Team titles with Trevor Murdoch on three occasions in WWE and gaining a huge push in 2008 working with the likes of Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. Sadly, Cade’s career and life never reached its full potential because of his battles with painkillers and sleep medications. I always thought he had future world champion written all over him. Sadly, we’ll never know how could he could have been because of his addictions. Hopefully he’s at peace now.
Superstar of the Week: The Expendables
Has there been a more terrible movie with as much anticipation and hype as The Expendables had? Avatar, maybe. But seriously, The Expendables was all moviegoers were talking about last week as the reunion of almost every major action star dominated the box office. Regardless of mixed reviews and a cast known as much for being irrelevant the last decade as they were huge in the 80s, The Expendables raked in $35 million and took the top spot at the box office. Of course, with a cast featuring Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Mickey Rourke, Steve Austin, Terry Crews, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, and professional “oh, that guy” Eric Roberts, Eat Pray Love and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World didn’t stand a chance.
Jerk of the Week: Francisco Rodriguez
New York Mets relief pitcher Francisco Rodriguez, also known as “K-Rod,” is one of the best relief pitchers in Major League baseball. Sadly, he is also one of the biggest idiots and hot heads in the game today. Last week, after the Mets blew a lead and ultimately lost to Colorado Rockies, Rodriguez got into an altercation in the clubhouse with his girlfriend’s father. Rodriguez was arrested and charged with third degree assault, suspended by the Mets for two games without pay, and ultimately had his season ended because he tore ligaments in his right thumb during the assault. What a complete and utter fool! Hope shutting his future in-law’s mouth was worth all this trouble.
POWER RANKINGS - Favorite Episodes of The Boondocks
5. “The Color Ruckus”
4. “Stinkmeaner Strikes Back”
3. “The Passion of Reverend Ruckus”
2. “Return of the King”
1. “The Story of Catcher Freeman”
The Last Song - now available on DVD, Blu-Ray, El-Ray, and whatever other overrated formats Hollywood is using to take money from gullible saps.

After seeing negative remarks and ratings on sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB, I actually thought for a moment that The Last Song might really be a disappointment when I finally watched it. After seeing it in the theaters in April, I knew then that the voters on those sites were merely haters of Miley Cyrus or Nicholas Sparks and had never seen a minute of the film.
The Last Song is a tremendous film and another step in the evolution of Miley Cyrus from talented teen actress to a talented legitimate actress. Miley is amazing as Veronica “Ronnie” Miller, a teen dealing with a troubled adolescence after the divorce of her parents. Watching her break out of her shell and open her heart to accept the love of her father (played by Greg Kinnear in an incredible performance), her first true boyfriend (played by the charming Liam Hemsworth), and the music she gave up on after her parents’ divorce, Miley gives a performance actresses twice her years couldn’t pull off nearly as convincingly. Nicholas Sparks’ screenplay/novel is a pure joy and I personally loved The Last Song more than The Notebook. Also, young Bobby Coleman adds comedic charm and a housebreaking realistic sadness at times while playing Ronnie's brother, Jonah.
Is The Last Song perfect? No. But, how boring would things be if they were perfect? The Last Song is a wonderful film that makes you fall in love and makes you cry tears of loss and pain all in one emotional ride. I think The Last Song is a must-see film for anyone who loves love and inspiration. The story of Ronnie’s love (for her father and Will) and the inspiration that came in her father’s final work is what makes The Last Song a five star film that you‘ll be glad to have experienced.
I learned that there is a HUGE demand for anonymous gay sex in the area. Recently, I took a look at Craigslist.com after reading about the suicide of the “Craigslist Killer” in a Massachusetts jail. Considering how popular and well-known the online classifieds are, I may be one of 10 people left to have never visited before this week. While on the site, I noticed a lot of job offers that I hadn’t seen before (and hope I can hear back from a few of the writing jobs) and a few interesting offers on wrestling memorabilia and DVD collections.
Curiosity got to me and I looked at the personals. Instead of finding a lot of personal ads looking for dates or companionship, I found a lot (and I mean A LOT) of ads looking for random hook-ups for gay sex. You name the filthy carnal act a dude would want to do to another dude and you can find someone offering or asking for it on Craigslist. That’s just insane!
I know that there are a lot of people who are closeted (Justin Bieber? Jonas Brothers? 95% of the rap community?) or enjoy experimenting outside the borders of their own proclaimed sexuality. But, seeing that many ads and 99% of them requesting dude-on-dude action, I couldn’t help but seriously want to question humanity as a whole. I say that not as a homophobic male. I say that as a person with standards. If you’re straight, gay, bi-sexual, it doesn’t matter as long as you have enough self-respect to not go out and get your fix for strange tail with a random person via an online classified ad. Apparently, closeted males don’t have the same self-respect as openly gay ,straight, and bi-sexual people. Being in the closet breeds desperation and desperation breeds the desire to get a fix at any cost possible… even if it means meeting someone at 3:30am in the restroom at Waffle House on High Point Road in Greensboro. Yikes.
- Aaron Goins
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