Monday, December 16, 2013

Life Gets in the Way: Changes to The Highlight Reel...

I last posted an edition of The Highlight Reel on October 16 – two months ago. In that time, many crazy things have occurred in the world of pop culture. Kanye West and Miley Cyrus have both continued to be complete idiots unworthy of any praise they receive. Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, and Miranda Lambert were among the big winners at the CMAs while Carrie Underwood owned the stage during a magical performance of The Sound of Music: Live on NBC. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire opened to glee from millions of fans – including yours truly. The wrestling world shifted drastically through roster moves – both good and bad – in all three major promotions. In fact, there were so many stories I wanted to address through a blog. Sadly, I realized something about myself during this period of inactivity: as much as I love to write, my new career in the education world is not going to allow me the time to write this blog the way I have over ten years.

I still love to write. That passion of mine will never die. However, I went two months without a single post – without even attempting a post – because of a somewhat full course load at Greensboro College. I will finally Student Teach next semester. After that, I begin the job search that (I hope) will end with me as a full-time high school English teacher. Between lesson planning, assignment grading, teacher meetings, and trying to have a life outside of the job too, I think writing weekly about the best and worst in the world as I see it will have to take a backseat.

With that said, I do still plan to write occasionally about special subjects. In a way, this blog will become less of the running diary of my life it started out as and more of a traditional blog. Besides, I have Facebook and Twitter for the everyday stuff. I am still planning my annual Year in Review edition of The Highlight Reel for New Year’s Eve along with a couple of holiday-themed posts. I will still write the always-popular 50 Most Beautiful Women in the World edition in late April. While The Highlight Reel will be less frequent, I plan to make each post something people will enjoy and something that will start discussion.

Until next time…

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Say Cheese!!! The Greatest Celebrity Mug Shots of All-Time!

The 30 Greatest Celebrity Mug Shots of All-Time

Celebrity mug shots bring a smile to my face. There is something special about them. Perhaps it is the great shame that a mug shot brings to its subject. Perhaps it is the ridiculous appearance of that subject as he or she still shows the glow of criminal activity upon their skin. Perhaps it is the knowledge that, for one shining moment, the wealthy and powerful celebrity is on the same level as the commoners normally beneath them in the hierarchy of society. Nobody wants to have his or her mistake on public record forever. However, I am thankful for these images. These photographs are testaments of the imperfections of celebrities. In addition, some of these pictures are downright hysterical.

Greatness, when it comes to mug shots, is measurable in many ways: absurdity, hilarity, ugliness, outrageousness. While the rankings are mine alone, I believe that we all will share a common thought with this celebrity mug shots: “DAMN!”

Here are my selections for the 30 Greatest Celebrity Mug Shots of All-Time.

30. Heather Locklear – California authorities arrested the actress in September 2008 on suspicion of driving under the influence of prescription drugs.

29. Coolio – Authorities arrested the rapper in Las Vegas in March 2012 after a traffic stop for outstanding warrants.

28. Todd Helton – Authorities arrested the former Colorado Rockies first baseman on suspicion of driving under the influence in Colorado in February 2013. The fact “Rocky Mountain High” was on Helton’s radio was pure coincidence.

27. Michael Jackson – Authorities arrested the “King of Pop” in California in December 2003 on seven counts of child molestation. Jackson later got off on all the charges. Ironically, he also got off with all of the children.

26. Kid Rock – Georgia authorities arrested the singer in September 2007 after a late night brawl in an Atlanta Waffle House.

25. Booker T – Before becoming one of the most decorated wrestlers of all-time, he was arrested in January 1987 in Texas for armed robbery after robbing a Wendy’s.

24. Andre the Giant – Authorities arrested “The Eighth Wonder of the World” in Iowa in August 1989 for assaulting a television camera operator.

23. Charles Barkley – The basketball Hall of Famer was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence and running a red light in Arizona on New Year’s Eve in 2008. When asked why he ran the red light, Barkley said, “I was going to drive around the corner and get a blow job.” Classic.

22. Michelle Rodriguez – Hawaiian highway patrol officers arrested the actress in Hawaii in December 2005 for suspicion of driving under the influence. Appearing at the time on Lost, Rodriguez’s arrest came minutes before authorities arrested co-star Cynthia Watros on the same road.

21. Hugh Grant – Hollywood police arrested the actor in June 1995 after catching him in the act with a prostitute. At the time, Grant was in a relationship with Elizabeth Hurley when that was something to brag about – further adding to the shame of this arrest for dumpster diving.

20. Mike Tyson – Arizona authorities arrested the former boxer in December 2006 on charges of drunk driving and cocaine possession after his BMW struck a police cruiser outside a Scottsdale bar.

19. Yasmine Bleeth – Michigan police arrested the former Baywatch actress in September 2001 for cocaine possession after she took 9/11 a little too hard and needed a bump.

18. OJ Simpson – Los Angeles police arrested the former NFL star in June 1994 on suspicion of murdering his ex-wife and her friend after an infamous police chase on the LA Freeway.

17. Ric Flair – North Carolina authorities arrested the wrestling legend in November 2005 after he was accused of throttling a motorist during a road rage incident in Charlotte. After looking at the majority of the last 15 years of his career, this arrest is 76th in terms of Most Embarrassing Acts by the Nature Boy.

16. Nicolas Cage – New Orleans police arrested the actor on charges of domestic abuse and disturbing the peace in April 2011. The courts dropped additional charges based on the last 15 years of his career for reasons unknown.

15. Paul Reubens – At the peak of his career as Pee-Wee Herman, Florida police arrested Reubens in an adult movie house in July 1991 for indecent exposure. When later asked what Reubens was supposed to do beside that in an adult movie house, the authorities’ heads exploded.

14. Cynthia Watros – Authorities arrested the actress in Hawaii in December 2005 for suspicion of driving under the influence. Appearing at the time on Lost, Watros’ arrest came minutes after authorities arrested co-star Michelle Rodriguez on the same road.

13. John Daly – Authorities arrested the golfer after he passed out, drunk, inside a Winston-Salem, North Carolina Hooter’s restaurant in October 2008.

12. Scott Hall – Authorities arrested the wrestler in May 2010 on charges of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct after Hall started fighting patrons in a bar.

11. The Big Show – In December 1998, Memphis authorities arrested The Big Show – then working for WCW as The Giant – after he allegedly exposed himself to a female motel employee.

10. Gary Coleman – Utah police arrested the pint-sized actor in January 2010 on charges of domestic violence. When asked why he struck his wife, Coleman said, “She knew better than to say ‘Whatchu talkin’ bout, Willis’ to me.”

9. Vince Shlomi a.k.a. the ShamWow Guy – Florida police arrested the TV pitchman in February 2009 after a bloody fight between Shlomi and his prostitute. After she bit his tongue, Shlomi responded by punching her repeatedly in the face. The lesson in this arrest is that you never kiss a prostitute.

8. Vince Vaughn – North Carolina authorities arrested the actor in April 2001 for disorderly conduct after getting into a bar fight. During the brawl, actor Steve Buscemi received multiple stab wounds. The courts later dropped charges Vaughn received for the 1998 remake of Psycho.  

7. Rip Torn – New York authorities arrested the 75-year-old actor in December 2006 on suspicion of drunk driving after Torn collided with a tractor-trailer as he attempted to make a turn.

6. Matt Hardy – In August 2011, North Carolina authorities arrested the wrestler on suspicion of driving while impaired.  This was still a better memory than anything Hardy did in TNA Wrestling that year was.

5. George Clinton – Florida police arrested the colorful funk singer for possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia in December 2003.

4. Randy Travis – Texas authorities arrested the country singer in August 2012 on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and threatening law enforcement. An important part of information not shown in the mug shot is that Travis was nude when arrested.

3. Nick Nolte – California authorities arrested the actor in September 2002 under suspicion of driving under the influence. Courts later dropped charges on wearing that shirt in public.

2. James Brown – South Carolina authorities arrested the Godfather of Soul in January 2004 on suspicion of domestic violence after allegedly pushing his wife to the floor.

1. Glen Campbell – Arizona cops arrested the country singer in November 2003 on suspicions of drunk driving and hit and run. After he was booked, Campbell kneed an officer in the thigh and received a charge for aggravated assault.


Monday, October 14, 2013

The Highlight Reel presents This Week's Recap for October 14th


Superstar of the Week: Taylor Swift


Everyone who knows me knows I am a huge Taylor Swift fan. She is an outstanding singer/songwriter and a beautiful human being inside and out. I do not care what people think of me being a fan of hers. She is awesome and ignorant haters can suck it. Over the last couple of weeks, Swift has did a couple of simply outstanding things that further justify my allegiance to Team Swift.

Last week in Nashville, Taylor cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony for the Taylor Swift Education Center at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville, Tennessee. The school, which encompasses parts of two floors and features three functional classrooms, came from Swift’s $4 million gift to the Hall of Fame – the largest single donation in the museum’s history. At a time when the government is cutting money from educations, especially involving the arts, Swift has helped to create a place in Nashville for many young children – including children from improvised families – to better their education in the arts.

"I'm so glad this is becoming a space where that's readily available, " Swift said regarding the school's opening. "There will be demonstrations, and instruments kids can try without having to spend money and buy one for themselves. If they want to hear songwriters talk about what it is to craft a song, the fact that that can happen here is really unbelievable."

Three weeks earlier in Nashville, in the midst of back-to-back-to-back sold out shows at the Bridgestone Arena, Taylor took time out of her business schedule to make one young fan’s dream come true a month after her dream concert turned into a nightmare.

Taylor Swift and Grace Markel -
moments before Swift took the stage on September 21st in Nashville
Grace Markel, a 7-year-old Missouri native, was struck by a speeding motorist when walking into Taylor’s concert in Columbia, Missouri on August 10th. Markel spent two days at Children’s Mercy Hospital for two skull fractures, a slight left orbital fracture, multiple head lacerations, a severe concussion, and road rash over her face and body. While recovering from her injuries, the girl’s parents took her to Swift’s September 21st concert in Nashville. Before the show started, Swift surprised the family with a backstage invitation for a personal meet and greet. The story, which did not become public knowledge until weeks after it occurred, is one of many that occurred over the course of the wildly-successfully Red Tour. It is also just another sign of the genuinely wonderful human being Taylor Swift truly is.

In a world filled with egotistical jerks like Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus proving to be horrible role models for young people, Taylor Swift continues to shine. She cares for her fans and, despite many within the genre hating her non-traditional sound, the country music genre she continues breaking new ground in. Taylor Swift is clearly one of the few and rare class acts left in the entertainment world today.

Jerk of the Week: The United States Government

On October 1st, the United States Government entered a shutdown after Congress failed to reach an agreement regarding the 2014 fiscal year. For the first time since 1995, the US Government is not working. Many governmental employees are currently on furlough without pay while many others are still working without receiving pay for the near future. The shutdown has led to many services, including national parks and memorials, closing indefinitely as a result.

The major hang-up, at least according to the talking heads on television trying to make sense of this disaster, stems from a congressional disagreement regarding the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare. The game of chicken between the Republicans and Democrats has led to an America without a government for two weeks now. There is no real end in sight. However, I do not see this as a bad thing yet.

I do not know all of the ins and outs of this shutdown. All I know is that, despite what the fat cats in Washington would want you to believe, the world is still spinning without the United States Government functioning. In fact, America appears to be running better without the government squabbling, meddling, and manipulating the country in ways hindering it from living up to its potential. Gas prices have fallen over the last month. Talk of American involvement in a war with another country over nothing appears to be quieting down. America seems to be improving greatly without a government.

Still, it is a horrible thing knowing that the Statue of Liberty – a symbol of freedom – is closed. The Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and Vietnam Memorial are all closed… closed because professional liars more worthless than the paper they right bills on cannot come to an agreement on which specific way they will screw over the American public next. I hope that these jerks can finally get a clue and start to do their job again – maybe better than previously. However, that is just a pipe dream as silly as believing in the government in the first place.

Babe of the Week: Jennifer Lawrence

Coming soon to rock a theater near you...
American Hustle opens this Christmas and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire opens on 11/22
A Melancholy Happy Trails to…
- Tom Clancy, 66 – American author best known for The Hunt for Red October and Patriot Games (October 1st)

A Very Fond Farewell to… Frankie Kallam and Chesley Overby

Over the last two weeks, two people I thought highly of have lost battles with dementia and other aliments as they passed away.

On October 3rd, Frankie Mae Smith Kallam passed away at the age of 79 after a long battle with dementia. Frankie was my aunt, the wife of my uncle Brownie who passed away in 2007. She was a wonderful woman – very frank and not one to hold back words – and a caring individual. I remember spending many days during my middle school years through my early college years joining my mom to visit Brownie and Frankie at their home in Stokesdale. I loved watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy with Brownie and talking about how Jeff Gordon was going to “put it on them” the next week with Frankie. I miss those days.

My friend, Mike, lost his father Chesley Overby on October 8th after a long battle with brain cancer and dementia-like symptoms. I only met him a few times over the years but Chesley – known as The Chez to Doug Smith and myself – was always a good man to chat with. The last time I was able to chat with him for an extended period was in 2010 when I worked for the United States Census Bureau. Of course, I ran into him at Reid House – a local restaurant in Reidsville, NC.

I believe that are in better places with their minds and bodies intact again, surrounded by the loved ones they previously lost. However, I feel bad for the family and friends they both left behind. As I attended both funerals and saw the many family and friends left behind, I know the memories of both Frankie and Chesley will live on long after the pain of their passing begins to fade. With faith, we will see them again. I believe that to be true. They already know the pleasures and joy of the other side. RIP, Frankie and Chesley.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

10 Years Later -- A Special Look Back at the 1st Edition of The Highlight Reel!

Welcome again boys and girls to another edition of... The Highlight Reel!

That’s right, the new name of this weekly newsletter is The Highlight Reel. I should give credit where credit is due and say that I am stealing this name from the show on RAW that Chris Jericho does, also entitled The Highlight Reel.

Now that that’s out of the way, on to The Highlight Reel! 
2013 Note: So, that is how I started the first edition of The Highlight Reel on October 13th, 2003. I ripped off the name of Chris Jericho’s interview segment and started writing. I do not know why I said it was “another edition” since it was the first edition of this newsletter. I almost forgot this used to be a newsletter that I sent to people in emails because I did not have a webpage to post on. Crazy times, man. We were just kids.
**This Saturday was awesome and I didn’t even catch Trading Spaces, WWE Velocity, or the night race at Charlotte. I was invited to go out for a night of “spooky maze fun” at Kersey Valley Spookeywoods in High Point. A friend from RCC named Tatum got together some of her friends and we all went their to play in the haunted cornfield. 
2013 Note: Jesus Christ. The misuse of “their” instead of “there” in the last sentence just hurts my feelings. In addition, an awesome Saturday night could have consisted of a home decorating show, a WWE C-Show, or a NASCAR race. What in the hell was wrong with me?
While not everyone invited went, Tatum and myself were joined by her friends Amy and Rod. I had never met them before, but I can say that they were cool and I enjoyed their company. As for the cornfield. First of all, let me tell you that the cornfield is not haunted at all. However, while not haunted, it is fun... frustratingly fun! You have to find six little stations inside the field and get this card given to you at the gate punched. Man, it was hard too! We were in the field for hours but it was quite the adventure. Tatum walks like 15 miles per hour and would leave Amy and me in the dust sometimes. Plus, I was too busy breaking the cornfield rules by littering and picking corn to throw. The only rules I didn’t break were the no smoking and no drinking rules. Oh, and I tore a big chunk of cornfield out when I got dizzy and fell in the corn. That’s right, I start spinning like a moron for no real reason... and then fell into the corn. I can hear the laughter from Tatum, Amy, and Rod now. Ahhh, memories! 
2013 Note: Never saw Rod again. In fact, Amy and I last spoke over a year ago and she was the last connection I had to this night. That is more depressing than interesting.
After the cornfield adventure, we picked up some Chinese and went back to Tatum’s house. We watched The Matrix and finally ended things at 3:12 AM. I remember the time because I looked at it when I cranked the truck to leave. I think everyone was exhausted. Tatum looked like she was about to drop asleep during the film. I was yawning and wound up resting my head on her knees at the end of the movie. Amy was yawning and ready for some sleep. And Rod, well, I think he was tired, but to be honest, he might have been able to go another five or six hours. He was full of energy, like a guy with ADD or something. All in all, an awesome night with some real great company. 
2013 Note: “I was yawning and wound up resting my head on her knees at the end of the movie.” Holy creepy use of details, Batman. Oh, and in mentioning my old truck, I am more depressed now. I loved that truck.
**No Mercy is one week away. Sunday, October 19th will be when the SmackDown only pay-per-view occurs from Baltimore. Going to be an awesome card, even though the McMahon dominance continues to rule the airwaves of SmackDown.

The Undertaker will face WWE Champion Brock Lesnar in the first ever Biker Chain match in the main event. A chain will be hung from the ceiling and the first man to get it will be able to use it. Going to be a war in Baltimore.

Plus, Kurt Angle vs. John Cena and US Champion Eddie Guerrero vs. Big Show will headline this awesome card. Of course, the card will be brought down a bit by the first ever Father/ Daughter I Quit match. Vince McMahon faces Stephanie McMahon in what’s sure to be a classic... NOT! 
2013 Note: I was such a WWE sycophant back then. When I criticize the WWE sheep of today, it is not criticisms coming from a man who does not understand their plight because I do. I was once afflicted with their disease. I was once blind but now I see. Even though I was a WWE sycophant, I still knew that WWE did not need the show to revolve around the exploits of the McMahon Family. It is a good thing they stopped that mess because nobody wants to see a power struggle involving Vince, Stephanie, and any other members of the McMahon Family on television. 
Nice use of the “… NOT” joke Borat would later make famous, by the way.
**Clay Aiken’s debut CD, Measure of a Man hits stores on Tuesday. I am so going to get that CD. I can’t wait! Carolina’s own Clay Aiken should have been the American Idol, I can not express that enough, and I think that all of the world will realize this when Measure of a Man hits the music world by storm. Good luck, Clay! 
2013 Note: Yeah, I liked Clay Aiken. Let me rephrase that. I liked Clay Aiken’s music. I am sure with a fascination for interior décor and a sport where muscular men in underpants roll around, it was not a far-fetched conclusion for people to think I liked Clay Aiken in another sense back then.
**Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a horror classic and I hope that the remake will do it justice when it hits theaters this Friday night. I can’t wait to see it... Jessica Biel’s going to get what’s coming to her for being in 7th Heaven, LOL! Reviews on this film should be in next week’s Highlight Reel. 
2013 Note: It was a good movie too. I do not understand why I could not write, “I can’t wait to see it. Jessica Biel is going to get what is coming to her for 7th Heaven” instead of what I wrote. I was still young and really loved the ellipsis I suppose.
Superstar of the Week: Big props are going to my mom, June Goins. Yeah, that’s right. Why is she the Superstar of the Week? Well, after watching what she’s done this week, she deserves an award. She has worked hard as can be to keep everything going on with her work at the cleaners in Madison, keep the cat well satisfied, and help my dad with all of his little troubles as he recuperates from his open-heart surgery. Super Mad Props go to the Beavis for this week. 
2013 Note: Momma’s Boy then. Momma’s Boy now. Some things never, ever change.
Assclown of the Week: Seriously, am I the only person in the world tired of hearing about Kobe Bryant and his whole raping case? I am so damn tired of it! However, while Kobe raped this girl, and I have been saying this since the case first broke, I must give the Assclown award to the girl in this case.

“Why?” you ask. I’ll tell you why. In hearing of what occurred in the incident, this girl was ASKING FOR IT from the beginning. She flirted with him constantly from check-in to the assault. She went up to fix his hot tub, rather than sending maintenance. She went up to deliver his food, rather than allowing the food people do it. Then, after she got off work, she went up to his room for a little bit. She lifted her shirt to show him a tattoo she had. She sent him every signal that he could drive to the hoop. And, being a basketball player, he drove hard and scored, rather she wanted him to or not. This girl brought this tragic rape upon herself and I, for one, hope that Kobe’s ass gets the same treatment in jail for this. However, I’m tired of hearing that she’s the innocent victim in this case. She’s a victim... but she sure as hell isn’t innocent. 
2013 Note: I scolded the victim in the Kobe Bryant rape case as much as I scolded Bryant. Well, in retrospect, Kobe has only raped opposing defenses since this incident so it could be suggested that maybe this young lady did cry wolf (or rape) after leading Bryant on as part of a fame and money-grabbing ploy. 
Still, defending Kobe really does come off as a Jerk move. 
Oh, and it was the Assclown of the Week. Man, I loved Chris Jericho’s shtick back then. It is a wonder I did not create a horrible rock band and become hugely successful in Germany only.
Hope you all enjoy this first edition of The Highlight Reel. I’m going to leave you with this closing thought. Send me an email if you do indeed remember this. Until next time,
-- Aaron Goins, Jr.

Do You Remember?: Do you remember the show He-Man? All I am asking is if He-Man was or was not the gayest cartoon ever? I think He-Man was gay. His little funky hair and his muscular body... and yet dude had no women flocking to be with him. He-Man may have kicked some ass... but he was gay! 
2013 Note: WOW! Talk about ending The Highlight Reel in the most inappropriate way possible! Yes, He-Man was a very homosexual-appearing cartoon. However, I just went there and destroyed him about it. Such intolerance is not a part of The Highlight Reel a decade later. Well, for the most part, it is no longer a part of The Highlight Reel. He-Man really was light in the loafers.
It is fun to look back at how it all began for me with the first edition of The Highlight Reel. I cannot believe I stuck with writing this blog for ten years. Starting as a weekly e-mail newsletter, The Highlight Reel evolved to a MySpace page and then to its current home on Blogspot. One thing has remained true throughout – these are always a reflection of me. It thrills me to know that somebody – regardless of if it is one person or 10,000 people – read these because at least I know I reached somebody. That is all I ever really wanted. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Highlight Reel presents This Week's Recap for September 30th


Superstar of the Week: The cast and crew of Breaking Bad

The Breaking Bad cast at the start of Season 5
(L to R: Jonathan Banks, Bob Odenkirk, Aaron Paul, Bryan Cranston, Betsy Brandt,
Dean Norris, Anna Gunn, and RJ Mitte)

On January 20th, 2008, a television drama debuted on AMC about a struggling high school science teacher who turns to producing and selling methamphetamine in order to earn a substantial amount of money for his family after being diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. After 62 episodes of nothing short of pure gold, the story of Walter White reached an epic conclusion in one of the finest finales in television history on Sunday night with the finale of Breaking Bad.

In the aftermath of the series finale, I felt a feeling of pleasure as a viewer I cannot recall feeling except for a handful of times in my 30 years of television. I felt this way when The Office said goodbye in May and a few years ago when Friends ended. Even those times though, it was a different feeling of closure. There was still openness to the characters’ futures that kept me thinking about what could be. With this finale, I felt closure – closure that comes with finishing an amazing ride. It is a bittersweet feeling of sorrow for the end of the ride but thankfulness for being able to experience it at all.

Thank you to creator Vince Gilligan for one of the great television dramas of all-time. Thank you to Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Giancarlo Esposito, Jonathan Banks, Jesse Plemons, Laura Fraser and the countless others who gave life to the characters in this wonderful story. Thank you, Breaking Bad, for setting the bar for quality television to a new level of excellence.

Jerk of the Week: Kanye West


In an interview with BBC Radio last week, rapper Kanye West referred to himself as a God and later said that he is the biggest rock star in the world today as part of a self-satisfying rant in which the rapper said that hip-hop and rap are the new rock music and the premiere genre in all of music. As the biggest rapper in the world today, that means that West is the biggest musical artist in the world today (i.e. a God).

As ridiculous as all of that sounds, West then showed that these delusions of grandeur are indeed realistic thoughts inside the mind of West through his reactions to a comedy skit from Jimmy Kimmel. Kimmel, on an episode of his late night talk show, ran a skit where an annoying child recited West’s words from the interview in a humorous attempt to show how childish Kanye West appears. Where Kimmel’s comedy floundered, West’s Twitter rant succeeded.

Over two days, West tweeted the following statements – all directed to Kimmel:




Kanye West is an unfunny, pathetic joke. There is nothing about Kanye West redeemable. His music is horrible. His ego is overinflated. West is human scum. The fact that same many people, especially young people, see Kanye West and believe in the same hype West believes in himself is less a testament to Kanye’s greatness and more a statement on how far lost the youth of our society are. I do not wish death or ill will upon Kanye West. That said, I would not mourn him for a second should something horrible happen to get his ego in check.

Babe of the Week: Scarlett Johansson

A Melancholy Happy Trails to…
- The Crossover with Michelle Beadle, 240 days – On September 25th, NBC Sports announced the cancellation of The Crossover with Michelle Beadle after struggling to find a stable timeslot or a solid audience on the upstart cable sports network.

In the aftermath of the show’s cancellation, it appears as though Michelle Beadle’s time at NBC is ending as Beadle’s agent is working on getting her out of her current deal so she can return to ESPN. After clashing with former Crossover co-host Dave Briggs, Beadle clashed with NBC Sports Executive Producer Sam Flood over the lack of promotion for the show and her straight-talk style that has won her millions of fans. More money and the entertainment TV aspect apparently are not enough to keep Beadle content at NBC when the suits want her to be someone she is not.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Wrestling with Emotion -- Looking Back at the Last Two Months

Wrestling with Emotion – Bits and Pieces around the Wrestling World…

The last time I wrote about professional wrestling was almost two months ago. At that time, John Cena and Daniel Bryan were on a collision course heading towards either the season finale of Total Divas on E! or SummerSlam. I do not really know which. Dixie Carter and the TNA brain trust decided the best possible free agent signing – for the company to reveal as the August 1 Warning – was former UFC star-turned-Bellator fighter Tito Ortiz. Ring of Honor was in the midst of a tournament for the ROH World Championship with a less-than-stellar tournament field.

Frankly, I reached a point in my wrestling fandom I never reached in 25+ years. My “give a damn” was officially busted. I did not care what took place in any of these companies. With baseball actually interesting, a very competitive IndyCar Series to follow, the NFL season looming, and so many great music specials on television at the time, wrestling just did not warrant any of the attention I usually gave it.

A lot has changed in two months regarding the landscape of professional wrestling. Yet, the old adage remains true – especially when dealing with professional wrestling: the more things change, the more they stay the same. The faces have changed on top in one company. The drive towards the biggest event of the year is going on in another company. A new era has started in a third company. Yet, it is a hard time to be excited about anything in professional wrestling.

WWE presents WWF 1998-1999: The Remake…
At SummerSlam, Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena cleanly to become WWE Champion. Shortly afterwards, WWE COO and special referee for the match Triple H assaulted Bryan as Randy Orton cashed in his Money in the Bank contract. Daniel Bryan’s WWE Championship reign lasted less than a minute. Triple H, along with his wife Stephanie McMahon and father-in-law Vince McMahon, justified putting the title on Randy Orton because Orton was “good for business.” Randy Orton was a good “corporate” champion. This was the beginning of the WWE’s version of the WWF Corporation angle of 15 years ago.

In the following month, Bryan has suffered countless beatings from Orton, Triple H’s hired goons – The Shield, and the Big Show – who now works as an unwilling henchman for the McMahons because Big Show is broke for unexplained reasons. Bryan defeated Orton for the WWE Championship at the Night of Champions only to have Triple H vacate the championship the following night because, again, Bryan is “bad for business” and this rehash of an angle is “good for business.”

I am a fan who believes every angle is fair game to redo after a certain period. However, the redo must be different in some ways. This rehash is ridiculously too close to the original.

Triple H is Vince McMahon. Randy Orton is The Rock. Daniel Bryan is Mankind. The Big Show is Kane. Stephanie McMahon is Chyna. The Shield is Big Boss Man, Ken Shamrock, and Test. When John Cena returns from his elbow surgery – the only reason Daniel Bryan is getting this chance at all in the first place – he will be Stone Cold Steve Austin.

And, you all thought this angle wouldn't end up being about me. Silly, silly IWC kids.

The saddest part of all of this is how members of the infamous Internet Wrestling Community believe Daniel Bryan will actually come out of this as a main event star for the remainder of his career. The more I see the proceedings unfold, the more I see the parallels in 2013 Daniel Bryan and 2011 CM Punk. Punk was on the verge of greatness after his “pipe bomb” promo on RAW. Then, Punk interacted with Triple H and Kevin Nash, came out on the losing end of the encounters, and saw his feuds for the WWE Championship overshadowed by Triple H and Kevin Nash’s feud. CM Punk was WWE Champion for over a year and yet appeared only as a mid-card talent – something he is now. Daniel Bryan won the WWE Championship and immediately had the legs of his momentum cut out from under him. Triple H and crew both buried him weekly verbally and physically. The focus of RAW has shifted from Bryan to a crying Big Show and how the McMahon Family is forcing him to do horrible things. Eventually, Bryan’s WWE title reign will appear in the mid-card to Triple H-Big Show main events.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Disappearing Faces and Missed Opportunities: The Road to Bound for Glory 2013…

On Sunday, October 20th in San Diego, California, AJ Styles will challenge TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory. While I am excited to see this match, it is all I am excited about when it comes to TNA Wrestling right now.

After relieving Bruce Prichard of his duties because of ineptitude, TNA has allowed multiple contracts to expire or come close to expiring in spite of Prichard’s absence. In the last month, Mickie James’ contract expired while she was TNA Knockouts Champion. After refusing a low-ball contract offer, Mickie lost the Knockouts title to ODB and currently is in contract negotiations with the company. Ken Anderson, coming off some of the best work he’s done in years, has his contract close to expiring and does not have a new contract on the horizon either. AJ Styles’ contract expired in September and the face of TNA Wrestling only signed a three-month extension with the company to last through Bound for Glory and its immediate aftermath. Most important of all, Hulk Hogan and his ungodly contract expire on October 1st with neither side close to agreement on a new deal. This all comes fresh off the many releases over the summer for budgetary concerns.

For what TNA Wrestling spends on Hulk Hogan, the company could afford to resign Mickie James, Ken Anderson, AJ Styles, and probably 10 additional in-ring talents who would improve TNA’s in-ring action. However, we are talking about Dixie Carter making the right business decision.

Carter is a known fool when it comes to making the right decision for TNA. Carter allowed Spike TV to bend TNA over a barrel when it comes to promoting Bellator – right down to putting Rampage Jackson and Tito Ortiz on TV as in-ring performers until Bellator removed them from the programming, not TNA but Bellator. Dixie Carter has not made offers to any of the incredible free agents current available in professional wrestling – names like Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, MVP, John Morrison, Serena Deeb, Angelina Love, or most recently Ted DiBiase, Jr. or any of the major names in Ring of Honor. Now, as TNA heads into the biggest event of the year, Dixie Carter is taking a page from the Vince McMahon “Make It All about Me” playbook as Dixie Carter is now portraying a heel persona in conflict with the superstars on her roster. Not only is Dixie wrong from a business standpoint, she is also wrong from a storyline standpoint as well.

Looking at the potential lineup for Bound for Glory 2013, I find myself at a loss for words. The roster is painfully thin and matchups are growing stale with every passing week. Faces are disappearing weekly because of company mismanagement. On top of this, the notion of resigning Hulk Hogan as a priority and turning Dixie Carter into an on-screen heel persona are far from what TNA should be trying to do to save this company apparently in its dying days.

When 2013 started, the company had the opportunity finally to give wrestling fans what they wanted – a grand alternative to World Wrestling Entertainment and their hot garbage booking. Instead of creating new stars, TNA missed countless opportunities. Chris Sabin held the TNA World Heavyweight Championship for a month and then disappeared into obscurity upon losing again to Bully Ray – without even getting a championship rematch (apparently nobody in TNA read Booking 101). Sure, Magnus came out of the 2013 Bound for Glory Series as a stud. However, Jay Bradley looked unworthy of a contract, Kaz remains nothing more than a bit player, Joseph Park lost all of his momentum, and Samoa Joe remained stale as ever – all missed opportunities to help establish and refresh characters. The Knockouts Division now consists of ODB, Gail Kim, Velvet Sky, and Brooke Tessmacher. Once the greatest assembly of female talent in the business, the Knockouts are now down to four women is one of the most painful downfalls for a division in wrestling history.

In every way possible, TNA has stepped backwards in 2013. What should have been the company’s greatest year, 2013 has been potentially the worst year in the history of TNA Wrestling. For every great moment inside the ring, TNA has allowed company mismanagement to overshadow that greatness and allowed a feeling of absolute despair engulf the company and its programming.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The Era of the Panama Playboy – Ring of Honor has a new World Champion…
At Death Before Dishonor XI on September 20th in Philadelphia, Adam Cole defeated Tommaso Ciampa in the semi-finals and Michael Elgin in the finals of a tournament to win the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship.

After a 16-man tournament featuring some of Ring of Honor’s finest and some hired guns brought in to make the tournament seem more competitive but actually weakened the tournament in my eyes, Adam Cole defeated Michael Elgin to become the 19th World Champion in Ring of Honor history. Shortly after scoring the victory, Cole firmly established his long-tease heel turn by assaulting former ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe and Michael Elgin with the championship belt. Not only did Adam Cole win the biggest title in the company, he became the biggest heel in the company in a single move – a move desperately needed to revitalize Ring of Honor.

Ring of Honor has been stuck in limbo since the end of the ROH-S.C.U.M. feud that dominated all major angles for a year. Adam Cole as a cocky, arrogant heel World Champion opens up a world of potential main event feuds. I love the idea of Cole feuding with Jay and Mark Briscoe, Michael Elgin, Kevin Steen, and perhaps even Tommaso Ciampa, Roderick Strong, or Jay Lethal down the line. Adam Cole’s championship reign signifies a new era for the company and, hopefully, a vast improvement in the storylines for a company known for providing the best in professional wrestling action in America.

Happy (Forced) Retirement, JR…
On September 11th, legendary ring announcer Jim Ross announced his retirement from professional wrestling after over 40 years in the business. Well, retirement is what Ross would love to have you believe. After all, I can imagine Jim Ross hates to think that Vince McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment fired him for a sixth time (two storyline firings and four legitimate firings). Of course, this is indeed the case as Vince McMahon fired Jim Ross over an incident beyond his control over the SummerSlam weekend.

Ross hosted a WWE 2K14 symposium for fans and video game executives over SummerSlam weekend in Los Angeles. During the symposium, a drunken Ric Flair appeared hijacked the event in another stop on the Ric Flair’s Sad Mess of a Life 2013 Tour. Ross was unable to regain control from Flair. Vince McMahon could not punish Flair, as he was not under contract to World Wrestling Entertainment. All Flair lost from his drunken appearance was future potential employment options with WWE, including a nixed appearance the next night at SummerSlam. On the other hand, Vince McMahon could take all of his frustrations out on his favorite punching bag – Jim Ross. McMahon fired Ross and spun the story as “the retirement of Jim Ross.”

I wish that I could feel bad for Jim Ross’ latest mistreatment. However, Jim Ross has brought this all upon himself repeatedly. On camera, Vince McMahon and WWE management have fired Ross twice – October 2005 and October 2011. Behind the scenes, Vince McMahon has personally fired Ross now four times – February 1994, August 1994, October 2009, and now September 2013. I know Vince McMahon will hire and fire Ross because he loves doing it too much to change the cycle. Apparently, Ross loves it too as he continues to run back to the WWE every time Vince snaps his finger for his favorite punching bag to return. I would love to wish Jim Ross the best in his retirement but this was anything but a retirement. Jim Ross paid the price for something Ric Flair did – sad but true.

Other Notes…
- Kurt Angle will return to TNA Wrestling at Bound for Glory on October 20th after a stint in rehab. This came off the heels of an arrest in Texas for DUI – at least Angle’s fourth arrest for such an act. While I hope rehab worked for Kurt this time, I fear that Kurt returning to the hot mess TNA Wrestling currently is in will only drive him to the bottle quicker than usual.

- Over the SummerSlam weekend, Darren Young of the Prime Time Players came out during an interview with paparazzi on TMZ. In the aftermath of this, Young has appeared on Ellen, NBC’s Today, ABC’s Good Morning America, and in articles inside the pages of Sports Illustrated and USA Today. Young and his partner Titus O’Neil have suddenly received pay-per-view matches and a push out of nowhere as WWE exploits the national attention coming from their first openly gay superstar.

In response to WWE’s sudden push of Young, Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder have visited in multiple men’s bathhouses across the country to watch and “learn” in hopes of developing a new set of skills for a renewed push.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Highlight Reel presents This Week's Recap for September 23rd, 2013


Superstar of the Week: Atlanta Braves

On Sunday afternoon in Chicago, the Atlanta Braves defeated the Chicago Cubs, 5-2, for their 92nd victory of the 2013 season. With that win, Atlanta clinched the National League Eastern Division title for the first time since 2005 and the 12th time overall.

The Atlanta Braves have overachieved greatly during the 2013 season. Throughout the 2013 season, the Braves have been the epitome of the term “walking wounded.” Twenty-one different players have spent time on the disabled list, leading all teams in the National League. Those players have spent a combined 1,355 days on the DL, fourth in the majors. In addition, the projected Opening Day starting lineup played together only 28 times out of a possible 155 games through Sunday. Along with the constant injuries plaguing the team, many of their marque stars have not lived up to their potential or contracts in 2013. Only two everyday players have batting averages above .300 – Chris Johnson and Freddie Freeman. Both BJ Upton and Dan Uggla are batting under .200 and, despite their massive contracts, are questionable selections for the 2013 postseason roster. Yet, the Braves have easily won the NL East and are in contention for home field advantage in the postseason.

I could be the kind of fan I usually am. I could complain about how Atlanta is destined for another one-and-done postseason appearance. I could complain about how, even with Bobby Cox gone, nothing changes regarding the Braves’ playoff chances. I could. However, I am not. I am thrilled the Braves are heading to the postseason and hope for the best. Frankly, if the bats can stay hot and the team stays healthy now, I do not see any reason why Atlanta cannot make a run this postseason. However, if they do not, winning the division against all the obstacles they have faced is more than enough to please this Braves fan in 2013. 

Jerk of the Week: Aaron Alexis

Last week, the nation received another indicator of how dangerously easy the wrong people can obtain firearms with the mass shooting at the Naval Sea Systems Command building inside the Washington Navy Yard in Washington DC. Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old civilian contractor, killed 12 and wounded three before falling in a hail of gunfire at the hands of responding Washington police officers.

Two days before the shooting, Alexis legally purchased a Remington 870 Express 12-gauge shotgun and two boxes of rounds after passing a state and federal background check. This is mind-blowing considering Alexis’ background. Dishonorably discharged from the Navy in 2011, Alexis had not one but two arrests on his record for gun violence and eight arrests overall. Alexis had sought treatment for serious mental issues including insomnia, paranoia, and hearing voices. A local VA hospital treated Alexis for those mental disorders a month ago. A MONTH AGO. Thirty days ago, he was getting treatment because his microwave told him the government was out to get him. This man can – and did – legally buy a gun and ammunition in this country.

Aaron Alexis is the latest example of how slack, lazy, and ridiculously dangerous the gun laws are in America. I do not believe every gun should be locked away forever and ever. I believe everyone has the right to own a firearm… within reason. A man with eight arrests, including two for gun violence, has lost that right. A man who received medical treatment for hearing a microwave talking to him a month earlier has lost that right. Aaron Alexis murdered 12 individuals and shot three others because of two factors: insanity and a lackadaisical national process regarding the legal purchasing of firearms.

Sadly, the American public will forget Aaron Alexis in a month when a new face appears at the poster child for why change regarding how guns are purchased in this country is necessary. He or she will be just as crazy, just as violent, and just as unassuming. The victims will be just as innocent. The shame we as a nation should feel will be just as great. Moreover, the cycle of inaction will continue just the same.

Babe of the Week: Katie Aselton

A Melancholy Happy Trails to…
- Hiroshi Yamauchi, 85 – Japanese businessman best known as the President of Nintendo (September 19th)
- Ken Norton, 70 – American boxer and actor (September 18th)
- Ray Dolby, 80 – American-born inventor of Dolby and surround sound (September 12th)

A Very Special Acknowledgement of Spectacular Achievement to… Nick Chipman

Nick Chipman, a Wauwatosa, Wisconsin native and food blogger, walked into his local McDonald’s 30 minutes before the end of breakfast service on Wednesday morning and placed an order: everything on the menu. In all, Chipman purchased 43 sandwiches – every sandwich offered for breakfast and dinner – and then created the “McEverything.” In all, Chipman’s culinary creation cost $141.33. However, that $141.33 bought Chipman more than the greatest McDonald’s sandwich ever; it bought Chipman the achievement of a lifetime.

Nick Chipman had a dream. Through work, determination, and a staff willing to fix all of this food, Chipman achieved his dream. I do not think his purchase and creation were stupid. I believe it was a testament to the American Dream living inside of us all. He had a dream and he made it come true. Anyone who scoffs at this is nothing more than a hater. I say more power to this man! He is more inspirational than any athlete or celebrity and is more American than any political fat cat ruining things in Washington, DC is.

God bless you, Nick Chipman. You are AMERICA!