- The Penn State sex scandal is sickening on so many levels.
- The Internet Wrestling Community can never, ever be pleased.
- The 2011 World Series was the kind of series that turns a nation of apathetic fans into diehard fans.
- And, I’m Aaron Goins. All my thoughts on these topics and so much more (including Vince McMahon’s dreams of being First Lady)… in The Highlight Reel!
**The 2011 Survivor Series will emanate from Madison Square Garden in New York City on November 20th. While I normally don’t find myself interested in an WWE event anymore, I have a slight bit of interest in this event because the Survivor Series is one of the traditional “big four” events that helped shape my childhood as a wrestling fan. Even when the card is atrocious, the Survivor Series generally pulls out something special to make the card tolerable. The 2011 edition is attempting to have a decent card but all of the hype and promotion is surrounding one man - a man not even an active wrestler. The 2011 Survivor Series, much like WrestleMania XXVII is all about Dwayne Johnson.
Dwayne Johnson, known by his blind sheep-like followers as The Rock, will team with John Cena to face The Miz and R-Truth in the main event. Why the two men who will oppose one another in the WrestleMania XXVIII main event would team together is beyond me. Why John Cena would need a partner considering that he has single-handedly squashed both Miz and R-Truth repeatedly is, again, beyond me. But, this is the main event for the 25th edition of the Survivor Series.
I’m interested in seeing how good of a match we’ll get when WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio faces CM Punk one-on-one for the title and how horrible it will be when World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry faces Big Show. While both titles are world titles, one match is exponentially grander than the other. Also, the Survivor Series will have at least one traditional Survivor Series match up when Team Orton (Randy Orton, Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, and Mason Ryan) do battle with Team Barrett (Wade Barrett, Christian, Jack Swagger, Hunico, and Cody Rhodes). While Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes are the men involved in a feud, WWE continues to follow their agenda of nonsensical booking by not even giving Rhodes the spotlight in a match that Randy Orton will obviously win. Also, Zack Ryder will finally win the United States Championship as Santino Marella 2011 will face Dolph Ziggler for Ziggler’s title. Considering how hard the IWC is pushing for Ryder, the ‘E will through people a bone with this one.
With a few weeks to go, the WWE will put together a few more matches for the 25th annual Survivor Series. I would bet my bottom dollar that Michael Cole vs. Jim Ross will find its way onto the card because, while wrestling is on the marquee and people pay to see wrestlers, the WWE brain trust can’t have an event without Michael Cole in action or Jim Ross being humiliated. That is more of a tradition than even the Survivor Series.
**On the November 3rd episode of TNA Impact Wrestling, Robert Roode defeated James Storm to win the TNA World Championship. At October’s Bound for Glory event, everyone who calls himself or herself a TNA fan cried foul when Roode was defeated by Kurt Angle in the main event for the title. They cried more when Storm won the championship two nights later. Even though a TNA Original was now champion, it was not Robert Roode so they pissed and moaned. So, what was the reaction from these same people when Roode defeated Storm for the title two weeks later? Pissing, moaning, and bitching of course!
Robert Roode, the man who everyone wanted to see as champion, is now the man that nobody wants to see as champion. Why? Did he change his impressive in-ring work? Did he stop cutting interesting and captivating promos? No. They don’t want him as champion because the majority of the internet wrestling community can’t stop bitching amongst themselves to enjoy a single moment of the product they claim to love.
I loved seeing Storm vs. Roode for the title. Storm defeated an injured and overconfident Kurt Angle with a super kick to win the title. Roode, turning heel in the process, did whatever it took to become champion over his former Beer Money tag team partner because the desire to become World Champion overshadowed any allegiance or friendship in the business. While there was a continuation of the hot potato booking with the TNA World title, the long term looks great with a heel Robert Roode as TNA World Champion. Roode is a natural heel. Roode vs. Storm is a money-making feud with great matches waiting to be had. And, both men will come out of this feud for the title looking like legit solo main event stars. So, I simply don’t see what there is to bitch about? Then again, I’m not the average mouth-breathing, dirty shirt-wearing, foul and putrid member of the IWC. I am a wrestling fan. Big difference.
**The NFL is at Week Nine and the 2011 season is shaping up to be one of the most competitive and bizarre seasons in recent memory. The great teams are flawed, the terrible teams are filled with fight, and only the Indianapolis Colts truly stink to epic proportions. I never knew Peyton Manning played defense for the Colts but apparently he really did do it all for them.
In the NFC, the Green Bay Packers appear to be the class of the field. That said, the Packers have a good defense on paper who are essential ineffective on the field. For a squad currently 8-0, Green Bay is one of the ugliest perfect teams I can remember seeing. They have given up over 30 points in multiple games this season and can not depend on simply winning a gunfight every week. Unless their defense wakes up, Green Bay is going to be this year’s version of the 13-3 Falcons from last season - one and one when it matters most.
Meanwhile, I know I would have lost money on this: the second best record in the entire NFL belongs to the 7-1 San Francisco 49ers. Under the tutelage of coach Jim Harbaugh, quarterback Alex Smith has finally looked competent. Frank Gore has remained healthy and a running machine while the 49ers defense has been as smash mouth and dominating as ever. The New York Giants (6-2) lead the NFC East by two games over their nearest competitors while the New Orleans Saints (6-3) lead the competitive NFC South by one over Atlanta and two over Tampa Bay. Detroit, sitting at 6-2, are also among the top teams in the NFC currently at the halfway point of the season.
In the AFC, it is a crowded field atop every division. The New York Jets, New England Patriots, and Buffalo Bills all sit atop the AFC East at 5-3 while the AFC West has a three-way tie for the lead as the Kansas City Chiefs, Oakland Raiders, and San Diego Chargers all sit at 4-4. The AFC South belongs to the Houston Texans right now with a 6-3 record, two games over their nearest competition. I think everybody except for the most diehard of fans would have considered me insane to say the Cincinnati Bengals would still be in the hunt after nine weeks. Yet, the Bengals currently sit at 6-2 behind the leadership of the red Rifleman Andy Dalton and are in a tie with the Baltimore Ravens (6-2) atop the AFC North. The Pittsburgh Steelers sit at 6-3 right behind the Ravens and Bengals.
There are only a few teams that I really would say the 2011 season is over for right now. The Indianapolis Colts are currently in the lead for the number one draft pick with their tanking effort in full effect. The Miami Dolphins, Washington Redskins, Minnesota Vikings, Carolina Panthers, and NFC West outside of San Francisco are finished. Other than those teams, I think that anything can (and probably will) happen with these teams as they jockey for playoff position in the next eight weeks. One thing is for certain though: it’s a great time to be a football fan. Every weekend has a playoff feel and I love it.
**The more I hear about the sex scandal at Penn State University, the more sickened I am by it. From 1994 to 2009, former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky allegedly abused eight young boys, with some of the abuse having occurred on the campus of Penn State. Sandusky, the one-time heir apparent to the head coaching position held by Joe Paterno, is currently out on $100,000 bond.
While Sandusky is the alleged guilty party in conducting these horrible acts, the entire incident makes Penn State University look back and could be a black eye on the legendary career of Joe Pa as these incidents occurred under the nose of the legendary coach. It has came out that Paterno did know of allegations made as he testified about a 2002 incident witnessed by a graduate student during a hearing. Paterno has said that he knew nothing of the incidents and did not have reason to suspect that Sandusky, who retired from his staff in 1999, would have been conducting these atrocious crimes. But, sometimes that just seems hard to believe.
I hope that Joe Paterno, a role model and beckon of greatness in college athletics, did not turn a blind eye to this abuse in favor of maintaining recruits and maintaining the pristine image of Penn State University. I hope that so much because it would be a shame to see the winningest coach in college football history end his career amidst a scandal far greater than any of his on-field accomplishments. Jerry Sandusky is the man who committed these heinous acts. It would be a tragedy if Joe Paterno is the one who ultimately carries the shame of the incident in the eyes of public opinion. But, if he knew something and did nothing abut it, the shame would be justified.
**Darren Young. Heath Slater. Evan Bourne. What do these three men have in common besides the fact that all are exponentially better than the way they are booked on WWE TV/WWE.com? These three men have failed drug tests and been suspended within the last 30 days. After the WWE went years without a failed drug test on the books, they now have three within 30 days. Why? Well, the fliers are out and the buses are hitting the campaign trail. It’s time to Stand Up for WWE again because Linda McMahon is ready to piss away another $50 million. The 2012 election season is starting up!
The only time Vince McMahon and company really seem to try to clean up their company anymore is when Linda McMahon is on the campaign trail. For some reason, Vince has a yearning to put on a frilly white sundress and play First Lady. Yet, he knows the media will kill his wife’s chances by exposing her connection to the blood money fueling her campaign and her lifestyle through World Wrestling Entertainment. So, Vince puts on his big boy pants and tries to clean up his company for every campaign season that Linda participates in. He can’t grip that the media will see right through this façade but that is because Vince McMahon is a moron.
I can only imagine how many others will fail drug tests over the next year as Vince McMahon tries to present his company as a clean and pure promotion. Oh, John Cena won’t fail one. Neither will Randy Orton, Triple H, Kevin Nash, The Undertaker, or the Superstar of the Year: Michael Cole. And, you better believe that Dwayne Johnson won’t even get tested when he shows up for his two days of work. Everybody else though will drop like flies if it’s necessary to make WWE look squeaky clean to have Linda look impressive by association. Nothing will deter Vince’s dreams of holding a tray of cookies while in a dress and pearls as Linda is sworn into office this time. Even if it means the entire company is suspended and every broadcast is one long Stand Up for WWE ad.
**I went to see Paranormal Activity 3 recently and found myself living the cinema with mixed feelings. Paranormal Activity 3 continued to raise the bar with regards to scares and violence within these supernatural-based horror films. However, the storyline within the Paranormal Activity universe got a little muddled for the first time in this series as glaring plot holes stood out for me almost as much as the best frights in the film.
I recommend Paranormal Activity 3 because it is a terrific film. Depending on my mood, it may be the best film of the series thus far. But, I do also have concerns moving forward. I know that there will be a Paranormal Activity 4 because the success of these films means a fourth installment must be made. I just hope that the storyline does not get so convoluted for the sake of sequels that more plot holes form as this simple story of a haunted family stretches for material to make more films. Paranormal Activity 3 is a terrific look at the beginning of the haunting that destroyed the lives of Katie, Kristi, and their families. Wonderfully acted and full of creepiness thanks to the young actresses, Paranormal Activity 3 is a must-see for fans of being scared. I just hope that, after three films that seemingly have gotten better and better, the next installment isn’t a massive let down.
**There is a rumor floating around the entertainment world that Justin Bieber is the father of a baby. Yeah, that Justin Bieber. The tooty fruity pop star who is allegedly dating Wizards of Waverly Place star Selena Gomez is allegedly the “baby daddy” of 20-year old Mariah Yeater’s three-month old son Trystan. If I was Bieber, I would not be suing for defamation of character. If anything, these allegations finally gave Bieber a shred of manliness in his otherwise “light in the loafers” image. Run with it, Justin. It’s the best thing about you since The Office’s Dwight Schrute labeled you “Justice Beaver.”
**On October 28th, WWE made another decision that showed why they are a million-dollar company in spite of themselves when they released WWE Diva Maryse.

They released that smoking hot blonde but still have the utterly worthless Rosa Mendes, the ghastly Tamina, and the charisma-less Kaitlyn on the roster.
I have been a fan of Maryse for a long time. When she first started, I hated her because she was a beautiful woman without a purpose. Then, she started learning to wrestle. While she was never going to be on the level of Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Lita, or Tara, Maryse brought some things to the ring that put her head and shoulders above 90% of the WWE roster: both male and female. Maryse had a charm and charisma about her that could get heel heat instantly. Her feud with Mickie James in 2009 was a thing of beauty. Maryse played her role to perfection and I believe WWE dropped the ball on her greatly with the way they misused her over the final 18 months of her WWE career. Whatever Maryse does with her freedom now, I believe she’ll be a success. Beautiful blonde with a winning personality and alluring charisma. She’ll be fine without the ‘E holding her back.
**If you had 72 days in the Kim Kardashian-Kris Humphries Marriage Pool, you won!
Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from NBA forward / nobody Kris Humphries on October 31st, citing irreconcilable differences. What a joke this whole marriage was. Seriously, anybody who believes that gays shouldn’t get married because they ruin the sanctity of marriage need to look no farther than Kim Kardashian for a reason to abolish the practice all together. They got married for the sake of a television special, a magazine spread, and millions of dollars from sick-o endorsers. There was nothing real about their marriage except for embarrassment as in everyone in the human race is just a little more embarrassed knowing that these people are allowed to live and prosper.
**I would like to wish a melancholy happy trails to journalist and former 60 Minutes correspondent Andy Rooney. Rooney, 92, passed away on November 4th from complications following surgery. Rooney retired from his weekly segment on 60 Minutes only a month earlier. Andy Rooney gave us cranky without being hateable, wit and humor without being an ass, and opinion without being a self-righteous blowhard. He was great in print, great on TV, and an inspiration to everyone who loves to express their opinion, controversial or not. Andy Rooney will be missed.
**Another melancholy happy trails to one of the all-time greats to ever grace the boxing ring. “Smokin’” Joe Frazier passed away Monday night at the age of 67 after a battle with liver cancer.
Joe Frazier was the first man to ever defeat Muhammad Ali when he won by judges’ decision over Ali in 1971. Frazier was world champion for five years before dropping the title to George Foreman in 1973. Frazier lost two additional matches to Ali but the trilogy of fights are considered among the greatest fights ever in the sport of boxing. Frazier went 32-4-1 in an 11-year career.
I wasn’t alive when Frazier was among the most well-known athletes in the sporting world. I learned of Joe Frazier for the first time from the Coliseum Video release of WrestleMania II. Frazier was the corner man for Mr. T during the Mr. T-Roddy Piper boxing match at the 1986 spectacular (or, should I say spectacle?). Frazier later had guest appearances on television shows and became an ambassador for the sport where he once was a king. Joe Frazier was a legend and truly one of a kind.
Superstar of the Week: St. Louis Cardinals
With 32 games left in the season, the Atlanta Braves led the National League Wild Card Standings by 10.5 games over the St. Louis Cardinals. Then, the Braves completed the second worst collapse in Wild Card history while the Cardinals won 23 of their last 32 to earn the final spot in the National League playoffs. Once in the playoffs, the Cardinals were considered no match for the Philadelphia Phillies or the Milwaukee Brewers. Yet, St. Louis defeated both teams and earned a spot in the World Series against the Texas Rangers.
The World Series was terrific. St. Louis won Game One. The Rangers took Game Two before Albert Pujols hit three home runs in a single game to help St. Louis take Game Three. Texas took Game Four and Five before St. Louis played host to a classic. The Rangers were leading the World Series, three games to two, when the Cardinals went into comeback mode once again. David Freese hit a game-tying two-run triple in the 9th, Lance Berkman hit a game-tying single in the 10th, and then Freese hit a walk-off home run in the 11th that made him a St. Louis legend and all of America a baseball fan once again as the Cardinals won 10-9.
Game Seven was anti-climactic in comparison to Game Six. St. Louis defeated the Texas Rangers, 6-2, with David Freese taking home MVP honors and the Cardinals winning their 11th World Championship in franchise history. The St. Louis Cardinals were not supposed to even be in the playoffs. They certainly were not supposed to advance out of the first round. Yet, they overcame obstacles, benefited from the mistakes of others, and capitalized on every mistake put in front of them. Congratulations to the St. Louis Cardinals on winning the 2011 World Series and being simply a team of destiny.
Jerk of the Week: Kyle Busch
As we all know by know, I hate Kyle Busch. He’s a petulant, egotistical, psychopath who should be removed from any aspect of public life because he is a detriment to everything associated to him. Once again, Kyle Busch proved my assessment of him right on Friday night at the Texas Motor Speedway. For once, NASCAR finally manned up and earned a smidgen of respect from me for doing the right thing: punishing Kyle Busch.
While driving in the Truck Series event, Kyle Busch pulled a page out of Days of Thunder and intentionally wrecked Ron Hornaday, Jr. on lap 14 of the event. In Busch’s warped mind, it was retaliation for Hornaday making contact with Busch earlier in the lap. The incident crushed any chance Hornaday may have had at winning a fifth Truck Series Championship while Busch, a Cup driver who didn’t belong in the event to begin with, had nothing to lose and only a paycheck and ego boost to gain. Instead of adding to his bad boy / “I’m the next Earnhardt” persona though, Kyle got a cold dose of reality on Saturday morning when he was suspended from the Nationwide and Cup Series events. Excuse me while I applaud NASCAR for doing the right thing.
When 2010 began, NASCAR’s “powers that be” created a policy called “Boys, have at it.” This created a sense of lawlessness as drivers could settle things among themselves without repercussions. That ended when Carl Edwards was put of probation for the remainder of 2010 for taking things too far with Brad Keselowski. That action ended “Boys, have at it.” That act of punishment, however slight it may be, ended the notion of lawlessness. Kyle Busch should have been punished for his cowardly antics at Darlington. He should have been parked for doing this to Elliott Sadler at Bristol. Finally, the third time this season was the charm. Kyle Busch has the talent to be one of the all-time greats. But, actions like this will forever keep Kyle Busch as a race winner only. He will never be a champion nor an all-time great in the world of auto racing. He’s simply a talented jerk.
POWER RANKINGS - Top World Series Moments of My Lifetime
5. Kirk Gibson’s Walk-off Home Run in Game One - Los Angeles Dodgers over Oakland A’s - 1988
4. Boston Red Sox break the Curse of the Bambino - Boston Red Sox over St. Louis Cardinals - 2004
3. Atlanta wins it all - Atlanta Braves over Cleveland Indians - 1995 / Joe Carter’s Walk-off Home Run in Game Six - Toronto Blue Jays over Philadelphia Phillies - 1993 (TIE)
2. David Freese’s Big Night in Game Six - St. Louis Cardinals over Texas Rangers - 2011
1. Bill Bucker’s Error in Game Six - New York Mets over Boston Red Sox - 1986
Stronger by Kelly Clarkson - available in stores and on iTunes now

As many know, I am a huge Kelly Clarkson fan. For my money, there is not a better singer in the world than the sweetheart from Burleson, Texas who won the first American Idol and has been one of the biggest stars in music for the last decade. While I have enjoyed her last two albums, I found myself not enjoying either My December or All I Ever Wanted quite the way I enjoyed her 2005 smash-hit album Breakaway. I can safely say that Kelly Clarkson is back and in prime form with her latest album - Stronger.
The 13-song album is loaded with radio-friendly singles and energy from the first notes of “Mr. Know It All” to the last notes of “Breaking Your Own Heart.” It is hard to pick just a few tracks to recommend. If I had to name my favorites, I love the sassy, R&B vibe that is in the first single released, “Mr. Know It All,” and I love the energy and message behind the title track “What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger).” If “Einstein” is not one of the biggest hits of the Summer of 2012, I will call shenanigans on Top 40 Radio for neglecting one of the best pop records of recent memory. Stronger is an absolute gem from beginning to end. I can not recommend this album enough.
Recently, I had an assignment in one of my Teacher Education classes that made me reflect on my life. More importantly, it made me reflect on those who have impacted my life. I was supposed to write a letter to a favorite teacher of mine and mail it to him/her. I immediately thought of three individuals who I learned from during my academic career to a point where I consider my time under their tutelage precious. On Friday, November 4th, I hand-delivered my letter to my 4th and 5th grade teacher: Mr. Steve Parker.
Now retired, Mr. Parker (I still can’t bring myself to call him Steve) battles with crippling pain from year of using crutches to overcome injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident when he was in his 20s. Mr. Parker deals with pain from his prosthetic leg and pain from back injuries as well. Though, his mind and spirit were just as sharp and charisma was just as infectious on that day as the first time I met him when I was a young man at Stoneville Elementary.
I learned a lot from Mr. Parker. I learned English, math, science, and history. More importantly though, I learned how to be a man from Mr. Parker. I learned that you don’t allow obstacles to stop you from living your life and maintaining what happiness you can take from every situation. Mr. Parker was a man who showed me value in a phrase news anchor Dan Rather said, “Take your work seriously. Don’t take yourself seriously.” I learned that the best way to reach an audience is through showmanship as much as it is through intellect and intelligence. Plus, I learned that sports can help teach almost anything. Using basketball and NASCAR for math, baseball for strategy building and geography, and other lessons I’m sure I’ve forgotten, Mr. Parker made learning more fun than I could have ever imagined. It made my heart warm knowing that I was able to let him know how much he meant to me 16 years after the fact. What I learned, I did not learn this week. But, those lessons I learned so many years ago are what have helped shape me into the man I am today. I hope that I can be half as good as he was in the classroom. If so, I know I will have done my job well.
- Aaron Goins